Lapitec, an innovative through-body sintered material whose internal coloring matches its surface, introduced the Musa Collection. The collection has three veined variations, all on a Bianco Assoluto base: Bianco Elettra, with angular, intersecting veining; Bianco Vittoria, with thicker gray veining; and Bianco Aurora, with gray veining on a white background with a delicate pattern.
Large dimensions of slabs with through-body veining allow architects to be daring with projects and processes in sintered stone. It is manufactured in XXL slabs, with calibrated thicknesses of 12-, 20- or 30-mm. The 12- and 20-mm thicknesses guarantee a slab size of 3365 by 1500 mm (5.05 m2 ), and the 30mm slabs guarantee a slab size of 1460 by 3365 mm (4.91 m2 ).
The material is 100 percent natural and has no resin or digital printing. It is suitable for a wide variety of indoor and outdoor applications.
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