ISFA has announced it will be working with the Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) to generate the upcoming AWI/ISFA 0661 – Cast Polymer Fabrications Standard. The AWI Standards Development Team will be working alongside members of ISFA to develop these universal standards. ISFA is the only trade association with published standards for solid surface fabrication and AWI is a widely-accepted global leader in architectural woodwork standards.
AWI is enlisting the help of Subject Expert Review Teams (SERT) to ensure the standards will best meet the architectural woodwork community’s needs. Members of ISFA will be also giving direct input on the AWI 1236 – Countertops Standard with regards to the implementation of solid surface. Furthermore, ISFA will be assisting AWI with the development of requirements for solid surface within standards for applications other than countertops.
The SERTs will be responsible for vetting the standards’ content to ensure accuracy and consistency within the documents, as they relate to each team’s area of expertise.
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